Howth Road Mixed National School has been involved with An Taisce Green Schools programme for the last number of years. We are very proud to have earned four green flags to date, for our work in the following areas:
- Litter & Waste – reduce, reuse, recycle
- Energy – conserving energy
- Water – water conservation
- Travel – promoting sustainable modes of transport
Currently, our school, led by the Green Schools Committee, are working towards our fifth flag for Biodiversity. Biodiversity keeps us alive, therefore, it is vital we conserve it as best we can! We are focussing on learning more about plants and animals, reducing our own plastic use to help protect the wildlife on land and in the sea and safeguarding and setting up safe habitats for creatures on our school grounds. Keep an eye out for ways to get involved!
At Howth Road Mixed N.S:
- We recycle batteries, ink cartridges and mobile phones
- We recycle our green waste and our food waste
- We don’t litter
- We eat healthy lunches
- We turn off lights.
- We travel to school in ways that are kind to the environment
- We promote biodiversity
- We never let the water run
Our Green School Codes
As part of each flag campaign, we create a code for that theme. Below are our Green School codes that we have created so far.
Litter & Waste Code
Reduce, reduce, reduce your waste
People will think you are ace
Bottles, caps, tins and more
Recycling helps the environment soar
Tidying, cleaning, keeping the place neat
Drive the change, don’t take a backseat.
Use old tyres to plant flowers
Save the planet… you have the power!
Energy Code
Turn, turn, turn off the light
Especially when it is bright
This will not affect your sight
Save the energy, it’s just right
Turning off the PlayStation
It’ll help save the nation
To all the people in every location
The earth will say congratulations
Water Code
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
It saves the environment and lets the earth breathe
Instead of a bath take a shower
Use less water from the tower
Collect rainwater in a water butt
Don’t be stuck in a rutt
Just remember…
Go slow on the H20
Travel Code
Walk to school or carpool
You’ll be very cool
Take the DART or the train
Get your friends to do the same
Or you could take the bus
People won’t think you’re a wuss
Save the environment 1,2,3
For the likes of you and me!