Happy New Year!
Welcome to Howth Road National School.

After schools activities are up and running including soccer, sports, art &crafts, lego, robotics and dance& drama, sewing, chess and choir. If interested or you have any questions please speak to Ms Hanlon. There are places available in many of the clubs, so please do sign up if interested.
We have inservice training in the new Primary Maths Curriculum for all teachers. Maths is one of our areas of focus this year. Parents should check notices in the Aladdin App for details.
Howth Road Mixed National School is a small 4 teacher school under the patronage of The Presbyterian Church in Ireland. The school provides primary level education from Junior Infants to Sixth Class in a co-educational multi-grade setting.
The mission of Howth Road Mixed National School is to promote the fullest possible development of every child as a whole person. We seek to provide a well ordered, caring, happy and secure environment where the intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual, moral and cultural needs of each pupil are identified and addressed.
We undertake to:
- Develop confident, disciplined and enquiring learners able to make informed choices.
- Foster a love of learning
- Foster self-esteem and personal responsibility, linked to respect for the needs and feelings of others.
- Ensure equal opportunities in relation to gender, race, class, special needs and beliefs.
- Value and respect all cultures
- Provide a safe and happy work-space.
- Promote a thoughtful attitude towards the immediate and wider environment.
To help achieve this ideal Howth Road Mixed National School provides a broad education in line with the curriculum guidelines for Primary Schools, including coherent and practical planning for the inclusion of children with special needs, allowing each child to reach the highest level of academic attainment consistent with his or her abilities or talents, so that the school community is enriched by the unique gifts and talents of all its students.
Howth Road Mixed National School recognises that the parents/guardians are the primary educators and that it is only through co-operation between them and the school that our ideal can be realised.
Please take the time to look through our website and discover information and activities attached to our school.
If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.